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News > Venezuela

Venezuela and Belarus Install High-Level Commission in Caracas

  • A solemn ceremony took place at Venezuela's National Pantheon to honor the Father of the Homeland, Simón Bolívar, by the Belarusian delegation participating in the VIII High Level Joint Commission between both countries.

    A solemn ceremony took place at Venezuela's National Pantheon to honor the Father of the Homeland, Simón Bolívar, by the Belarusian delegation participating in the VIII High Level Joint Commission between both countries. | Photo: Twitter/@CancilleriaVE

Published 16 December 2021

The Commission will evaluate strategic projects in areas such as technology, agribusiness, science, energy and infrastructure, among other sectors.

The Government of Venezuela installed this Wednesday with the authorities of the Executive of Belarus the VIII High-Level Joint Commission, which will strengthen trade agreements and bilateral relations between the two nations.

The Commission is chaired by the Venezuelan Minister of Planning, Ricardo Menéndez. It includes the special envoys Viktor Sheiman for the Government of Belarus and the Venezuelan Ambassador to Havana, Adán Chávez.


Venezuela Strengthens Economic and Trade Relations with Belarus

The instance will evaluate the formulation and implementation of trade agreements in the fields of energy, science, technology, agro-industry, infrastructure, shared development and housing. "Let's assume the vision of connection with the future that President Nicolás Maduro is demanding from us," Menéndez said.

The President of the Commission emphasized that production is transversal to the development of both nations, "the links of the productive chains; that is where the roadmap lies," he added.

"#Yesterday, on the instructions of our Chancellor @PlasenciaFelix, we accompanied the Sectorial V.P. @rmenendezp to receive the High-Level delegation from Belarus, headed by H.E. Viktor Sheiman, in the framework of the VIII High-Level Commission Venezuela-Belarus." 

"We cannot lose sight of the fact that, in spite of the great distance that separates us, we have enormous economic and political coincidences with Belarus (...) this Commission is the ideal scenario for the re-boosting of our relations at all levels," emphasized Adán Chávez.

During the installation of the Joint Commission at the Foreign Ministry in Caracas, the following individuals were present: Belarus' Ambassador to Venezuela, Andrei Molchan; Venezuelan Vice Minister for Europe, Daniela Rodriguez; and Minister of Defense in Caracas, Vladimir Padrino Lopez.

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