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On January 14 Ugandan court-ordered security forces to lift the house arrest Wine remained under since the elections.
Uganda's opposition politician Bobi Wine filed a challenge on Monday to the Supreme Court, which aims at canceling the results of the January 14 parliamentary elections that granted victory to the president Yoweri Museveni and allow him to rule for a sixth term.
"We want the poll canceled and repeated," George Musisi, one of Wine's lawyers, explained. The leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP) considers that the elections "were stolen" from him. Human rights organizations denounced widespread violence between Museveni supporters and followers of Wine before the elections and on January 14.
My campaign team was brought to the military court for a bail hearing today. The ruling on bail has been deferred by 8 days! Some of them are very sick. Seeing that many ordinary courts have been forthright, Museveni now relies on military courts to try all my comrades.
"There was outright ballot-stuffing, there was intimidation of NUP agents and supporters, some were arrested on the eve of the election, there was pre-ticking of ballots," Musisi claimed.
On January 14, Ugandan court-ordered security forces to lift the house arrest Wine remained under since the elections. Museveni's government has denounced the interference of the United States on Uganda's internal affairs and the U.S. support to Wine to upturn the election results.
#FromTheSouth News Bits | According to the Electoral Commission, President Yoweri leads the presidential elections in Uganda, with 65% of the ballots. Final results are expected next Saturday afternoon.