The UK, France, and Germany Friday stated that they would not support the U.S to unilaterally push for reimposing United Nations' sanctions against Iran.
US Wants To Destroy Nuclear Pact, Iran Says
As part of the Comprehensive Joint Action Plan (CJAP), Iran is subject to a UN weapons embargo, which will expire in October. Even when the U.S withdrew from CJAP in 2018, they seek to extend it.
In case the UN Security Council does not agree to the extension, the U.S threatened to push for all sanctions the UN holds against Iran be applied.
Foreign ministers of the Three European countries (E3) released a joint statement warning that the way Donald Trump Administration wants to implement the sanctions would have harmful effects for the UN Security Council.
"We would not support such a decision, which would be incompatible with our current efforts to preserve the CJAP," the statement explains, regarding U.S threats on more sanctions.
Although, they acknowledged wanting to discuss with Tehran some violations on the accord.
"We believe that the planned lifting of the UN conventional arms embargo would have major implications for regional security and stability," E3 said. "We remain committed to the JCPoA and, to preserve it, urge Iran to reverse all measures inconsistent with the agreement and return to full compliance without delay."
CJAP is an agreement signed in 2015 between Iran and China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the U.S, Germany, and the European Union. As outlined in the pact, Iran would have to reduce its nuclear power, and, in return, it would be able to keep its peaceful development program ongoing.
Days before, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohamad Yavad Zarif had warned about the U.S plans to use the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as a scapegoat to destroy Iran's nuclear agreement arranged with those western powers.