Also, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that Russia did not accept the ongoing economical blockage of Cuba by the United States.
Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday that Moscow was ready to play a role in talks between the Venezuelan government and opposition in Oslo if the participants felt it was useful.
Norway said on Saturday that representatives of Venezuela's government and opposition would return to Oslo following an initial round of preliminary talks about how to address the country's political situation.
The Russian foreign ministry said in a statement it welcomed the fact that the talks were continuing, but warned against any external powers trying to foist ultimatums on the Venezuelan leadership.
Also, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that Russia did not accept the ongoing economical blockage of Cuba by the U.S. and that Washington policy in the region promoted discord.
Lavrov met with Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez in Moscow, the ministers spoke at the news conference following the talks.
Russia has boosted economic ties with Cuba in recent years as part of a broader move to renew commercial, military and political ties just as the U.S. government is retreating from Cuba under U.S. President Donald Trump.