Gennady Gatilov, the Russian permanent envoy to the U.N. Office in Geneva, said on Thursday that Moscow had gathered information on U.S. financed military biological operations in Ukrainian territory.
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The data collected suggest that the U.S. contemplates the possibility of using biological and toxin weapons. "The data we have obtained on U.S. military biological activities in Ukraine prompt a reexamination of the issue of upholding by Washington of its reservation to the 1925 Geneva Protocol, whose authority is the foundation of the BWT (the Biological Weapons Convention - TASS)," said Gatilov.
"In addition, reasonable doubts emerge with respect to the true objectives of the Bioshield program, which the U.S. has been conducting since 2004 with the stated purpose of protecting U.S. military and civilian persons from the use of biological and toxin weapons," told the Russian official.
Gatilov has not ignored that these facts have a "logical connection which suggests that the U.S. is conducting military biological research and is also considering the possibility of using this type of WMD."
The Russian Ministry of Defense disclosed new information about the U.S.-funded Biolabs discovered in eastern Ukraine due to the Russian special military operation launched last February 24.
On Thursday, a Russian parliamentary commission held its first meeting, where it announced the establishment of four working groups to investigate U.S.-controlled Biolabs in Ukraine.