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President Trump Names Mick Mulvaney, Self-Proclaimed 'Right-Wing Nutjob' as Chief of Staff

  • US President Trump Replaces John Kelly With Mick Mulvaney.

    US President Trump Replaces John Kelly With Mick Mulvaney. | Photo: Reuters

Published 14 December 2018

Director of the Office of Management & Budget Mick Mulvaney is to be named Acting White House Chief of Staff, replacing General John Kelly, who stepped down earlier this week.

U.S. President Donald Trump has announced via his Twitter page, that Director of the Office of Management & Budget Mick Mulvaney, is to be named Acting White House Chief of Staff.


Trump Announces Chief of Staff Kelly Will Leave End of The Year

Mulvaney replaces General John Kelly, who resigned earlier this week after numerous clashes with the president over political issues.

A former Republican lawmaker from South Carolina, Mulvaney had also served as the acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

He once famously proposed to cut a food program for the elderly, citing "a lack of results," and has been quoted as saying, "Why didn’t Muammar Gaddafi ever get promoted from Colonel? If The Professor on 'Gilligan’s Island' could make a radio out of two coconuts and a conch shell, why couldn’t he make a raft? And why don’t they build the whole plane out of the material used for the black box?”


According to Fox News, Mulvaney is, "a hardline convservative not known for a penchant for compromise" and this was represented in a 2017 quote to Politico, when he said, “I don’t think anyone in this administration is more of a right-wing conservative than I am.” 

Politico further relays that when Mulvaney met Gary Cohn, Trump’s top economic advisor, he introduced himself by saying, “Hi, I’m a right-wing nutjob!”

Furthermore, according to the publication Salon, "Mulvaney claimed block grants to Meals on Wheels should be cut because the food program for the elderly was 'just not showing any results.' When pressed for specifics, Mulvaney cited an 86-year-old man in Crawfordsville, Indiana, who kept sending the wine back."

Meals on Wheels had been a national program since 1974, and while Trump reached out to clarify Mulvaney's comments, the future of the program remains up in the air. 


Former Chief of Staff John Kelly this week announced he was stepping down at the end of the year, after the deterioration of his relationship with President Trump. 

Kelly acknowledged his role in the White House was, "the most dificult" he'd ever done, a mere three months after being appointed C.o.S. in July 2017, and was quoted as telling multiple sources that the president, "was not fully informed" by his campaign promises, according to Telemundo.

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