Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said Friday that comprehensive development between China and Venezuela covers all fields. "We have political and diplomatic cooperation in the United Nations that works in a harmonious and integrated manner," the president said.
During the ceremony to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the relations of cooperation and brotherhood between China and Venezuela, the Venezuelan head of State also mentioned that there are many things that are being carried out in the field of culture and sport.
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"China has shown that it can be a great power without wanting to dominate other peoples of the world, China extends its arms of cooperation and brotherhood to other nations of the world," Maduro reiterated.
In that sense, the Venezuelan leader said that soon in the country "we will install experimentally the 5G network, hand in hand with comprehensive strategic cooperation with China ", with the purpose of improving telephony and Internet service.
He also stressed that China has committed to provide Venezuela with all the highest-level health equipment and guarantee this right to the Venezuelan people.
The Venezuelan leader took the opportunity to anticipate the launch of the third Guaicapuro satellite soon. "We are going forward in technology for telecommunications development," he said.