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News > Ecuador

Ecuador's Socialist Binomial To Participate in 2021 Elections

  • Presidential candidate Andres Arauz in Quito, Ecuador, Oct. 18, 2020.

    Presidential candidate Andres Arauz in Quito, Ecuador, Oct. 18, 2020. | Photo: Twitter/ @ecuarauz

Published 18 October 2020

"The people won, progressivism won, the homeland won, Ecuador won," ex-President Correa commented.

On Sunday night, Ecuador's Contentious Electoral Tribunal (TCE) decided that the Union for Hope (UNES) candidates can participate in the elections to be held in February of 2021.


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During the afternoon, hundreds of citizens gathered near the TCE headquarters in Quito to await the resolution on the participation of the UNES presidential binomial.

Despite the heavy rain that fell in the capital of Ecuador, people held a demonstration to demand that electoral authorities respect the Constitution and accept the registration of economist Andres Arauz as a presidential candidate and journalist Carlos Rabascall as vice-presidential candidate.

Previously, the security forces closed direct accesses to the TCE headquarters, although citizens were marching peacefully towards that building.

The meme reads, “Ecuador’s Contentious Electoral Tribunal the rejected the legal action against the registration of the binomial of hope made up of Andres Araus and Carlos Rabascall. Now, the National Electoral Council must qualify our candidates. We will triumph on February 7, 2021. Rafael Correa is innocent and Arauz will be President!”

"We are united for hope" and "TCE, foul play is coward's game" were some slogans people shouted near the building.

"These streets must have meaning forever. They must inspire the rulers and preserve the strength of the republic and democracy," vice-presidential candidate Rabascall told the people.

He also recalled that the future government of the Citizen Revolution will not accept blackmail from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

After the TCE decision, former President Rafael Correa said: 'The people won, progressivism won, the homeland won, Ecuador won. At the polls, we will recover our future! '

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