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EU Boosts Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine

  • The President of the European Commission announced the organization is sending more humanitarian aid. Mar. 4, 2022.

    The President of the European Commission announced the organization is sending more humanitarian aid. Mar. 4, 2022. | Photo: Twittrer/@Edymylet5

Published 4 March 2022

The EU is working to support Ukraine in terms of humanitarian aid and civilian protection.

Aimed at the increasing need as long as the crisis remains in Ukraine, the EU continues to send humanitarian aid and offers civil protection as support to Ukraine. The Commission is working to secure neighboring countries affected by the current situation.

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The help will be deployed via rescEU medical stockpile based in nearby countries such as Germany, Hungary, and the Netherlands. The delivery includes ventilators, infusion pumps, patient monitors, masks and gowns, ultrasound devices, and oxygen concentrators.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, disclosed that it had established civilian protection logistical hubs in Poland, Romania, and Slovakia to be distributed to Ukraine as soon as possible. The hubs are intended to channel assistance donated by 27 European countries via the EU's Civil Protection Mechanism. The help head to neighboring countries is aimed at the recent arrival of more than 1 million people displaced given the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

Countries like Greece, Austria, and Germany have donated disinfectants, masks, bedding, tents, clothing to Slovakia. According to the EU, teams of experts in civil protection are traveling to Ukraine to assess the authorities. The Netherlands, France, and Greece recently sent assistance to Moldova via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

After visiting Poland and Moldova, Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, said: "Over a million people have already fled to the neighboring countries receiving unprecedented support. However, considerably more people are still in need of protection inside Ukraine."

He added that "humanitarian corridors that ensure the free and safe movement of civilians and delivery of humanitarian aid are among the key prerequisites for addressing the needs of the population in Ukraine, which is the greatest casualty of this war. It is imperative that civilians are protected and humanitarian workers can do their jobs in safety and without impediments, as obliged by international humanitarian law."

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