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Argentina: Felisa Sotelo, A 'Mother of Plaza de Mayo', Died

  • Felisa Sotelo, one of the founders of

    Felisa Sotelo, one of the founders of "Mothers of Plaza de Mayo". | Photo: Twitter/ @MadresPlaza

Published 5 January 2021

She fought for thousands of Argentineans who disappeared during the dictatorship (1976-1982).

Argentina's Mothers of Plaza de Mayo movement informed on the death of one of its founders Felisa Sotelo, 82, in City Bell town, in Buenos Aires province.


Mothers of Argentina's Disappeared March to Keep Memory Alive

"We bid her farewell with pain and deep respect. Her perseverance will always remain in our hearts," Health, Ethics, and Human Rights Defense Committee (CODESEDH) stated.

Sotelo, better known as 'Lila,' suffered the kidnappings and disappearances of her husband and one of her children during the last dictatorship (1976-1982).

On October 10, 1977, her husband Ramerio Perez and her son Eduardo Perez were kidnapped and held captive at the Atletico Club, a clandestine detention center. She never saw them again. 

Besides dedicating her life to finding her family members, she fought for thousands of Argentineans who disappeared during those seven years of dictatorship. From 1976 to 1982, 30,000 people went missing, according to official sources.

In 2017, Sotelo testified in the trial against seven repressors for the crimes committed against 352 victims who were held captive in clandestine detention centers such as Atletico, Banco, and Olimpo.

In those centers, repressors tortured and killed what they called "traitors," who were, on many occasions, people not linked to politics.

After over 40 years of continuous searching for the disappeared, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo discovered the real identities of 128 of the 500 infants snatched from their parents and given to other families during the dictatorship.

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