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News > Venezuela

100+ Organizations Address World Leaders Before Climate Summit

  • The question is no longer whether there is an environmental crisis, but how to address it.

    The question is no longer whether there is an environmental crisis, but how to address it. | Photo: Twitter/@democracynow

Published 21 April 2021

In the week leading up to the Leaders' Summit on Climate, more than 100 international organizations and movements sent an open letter to heads of state urging far-reaching and bold action on multiple fronts.

In a firm message to the world leaders days before a landmark international climate summit, global social movements, organizations and parties remind of the radical shift in priorities and policies necessary to prevent climate castrophe and socio-economic disaster for the peoples of the global South.

Here, teleSUR English reproduces in full their open letter: 

"It is common knowledge that we are at a decisive moment for human survival and for the biodiversity of our planet. There is a serious environmental and public health crisis, caused by crimes committed continuously by the greed for profit. The research and scientific data are more and more evident, which you know, and we don't need to quote them.  Meanwhile, all the peoples of the world, in the countryside and in the city, feel the consequences of this crisis every day.

According to scientific studies, if the current patterns of land use, deforestation, predatory mining, the agribusiness model dependent on pesticides that kill biodiversity, the monoculture of transgenic crops, and accelerated urbanization are maintained, 4.5 billion people will face problems with the quality and access to water and food production. Climate change affects people's lives and agricultural productivity.


Venezuela Calls to End Capitalist Model to Fight Climate Change

The question, therefore, is no longer whether there is an environmental crisis, but how to address it.

Financial capital and its banks and transnational corporations control economies, the exploitation of nature, and governments. They are to blame, and they will never offer real solutions. They just want a green capitalism! And the international institutions of the United Nations system have failed.

The way to preserve life, for people and the planet, dear ladies and gentlemen, is clearly in another direction. It will be necessary to mobilize society as a whole, its organizations, popular movements, scientists, and environmental entities, and form an agreement around urgent and necessary measures: 

Putting human life and nature above private property. The private appropriation of common goods essential to the life of all, such as land, water, air, and biodiversity, is not acceptable. Their care must be attributed to the people, as a collective right and responsibility for the well-being of all people.

Promote public policies that confront hunger and promote food sovereignty, supporting peasant and traditional peoples, based on the principles of agroecology. To make a global effort to support, with all the necessary resources, a worldwide campaign to plant native and fruit trees. 

To guarantee respect for the traditional knowledge of the people, with its forms of managing nature, which have already lasted for centuries, and scientific knowledge, in the search to guarantee production and human reproduction, cultural and biological diversity, in balance with nature.

Create financial mechanisms to support initiatives and projects of local populations so that they can carry out concrete actions to protect nature, forests, water, and healthy food.

Penalize companies and projects that harm the environment and the indigenous and native populations, expelling them from the market.

Change the energy matrix in all countries to sustainable forms. Make changes in the big cities, with measures to avoid pollution, to improve the lives of all, including public transportation.

Take definitive action to protect the pollution of the oceans, lakes, and rivers, severely penalizing all aggressors such as the chemical industry, the plastic industry, and industrial pollutants.

Ban the use of glyphosate, 2,4-D, and other agrotoxics, which kill biodiversity, contaminate the environment, and people's health.

Provide financial relief with resources from capital hidden in tax havens, for the protection and maintenance of peasant families, traditional peoples, and those who live in areas of risk in the cities. 

Create international mechanisms of policies, control, and inspection with the participation of scientists, governments, social entities, and popular movements from all over the world.

Capitalism, ladies and gentlemen, is heading towards social barbarism. In its search for profit alone it is leading humanity and nature to collapse. We are at a singular moment in world history, where solidarity and ecological values must overcome those of individualism and consumerism, only defended by the insane capitalists and their governments. 

We defend a new path, with our agroecological plantations and breeding, in the protection of waters and nature's goods, in our territorial resistances, in our solidarity reconstructions in the cities. 

Against the project of death and destruction implemented by neoliberal capital, by the big corporations, we commit ourselves to life. This is the path we will continue to follow, building a fair, solidary, ecological and internationalist world.

And to you, rulers, assume your public responsibility, even though it is late! 

April 22, 2021, Earth Day!"


International Networks

IPA – InternationalPeoples’ Assembly

ALBA Movimientos

La Via Campesina

World March of Women


Italy, AssociazioneAmig@s MST

Italy, AssociazioneCostituzione e beniComuni

Italy, Associazioneinternazionale "AgoràdegliAbitantidella Terra"

Italy, AssociazioneLaudatoSì, Alleanza per il Clima, la Cura della Terra e la GiustiziaSociale

Italy, Associazione YAKU

Italy, CISS – Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud

Italy, ComitatoAcquaPubblicadellaprovinciadi Cremona

Italy, ComitatoAcquaPubblica Lago diBracciano

Italy, Comitato Italiano per ilContrattoMondialedell'Acqua

Italy, Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per l'Acqua

Italy, Forum siciliano dei movimenti per l'acqua e i benicomuni

Italy, Fuorimercato, autogestione in movimento

Italy, MovimentoBlu

Italy, Potere al Popolo

Italy, Rede da RioneSanità-Naples.      

Italy, Rifondazione Comunista

Italy, SegreteriaNazionale Rete RadièResch

North America

United States, ANSWER Coalition 

United States, Border Agricultural Workers Project

United States, CodePink: Women for Peace

United States, PEP – Popular Education Project

United States, PSL – Party for Socialism and Liberation

United States, TPF – The People’s Forum

Latin America

Argentina, Jóvenes por el Clima

Argentina, Patria Grande

Brazil, ABONG – Associação Brasileira de ONGs

Brazil, ADERE/MG – Articulação dos Empregados Rurais do Estado de Minas Gerais

Brazil, Amigos da Terra Brasil

Brazil, APIB – Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil - APIB

Brazil, APREMAVI – Associação de Preservação do Meio Ambiente e da Vida

Brazil, ASA – Articulação de entidades do Semi-Árido

Brazil, ASCEMA Nacional – Associação Nacional dos Servidores Especialistas em Meio Ambiente

Brazil, Asibama/Acre – Associação dos Servidores Ibama e ICMBio Acre 

Brazil, Associação Alternativa Terrazul

Brazil, Campanha Antipetroleira Nem um poço a mais!

Brazil, CEDECA Sapopemba

Brazil, Centro de Promoção da Cidadania e Defesa dos Direitos Humanos PeJosimo

Brazil, CNS – Conselho Nacional das Populações Extrativistas

Brazil, CONAQ - Coordenação Nacional de Articulação das Comunidades Negras Rurais Quilombolas

Brazil, Congregação da Paixão de Jesus Cristo

Brazil, CONTAG – Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Rurais Agricultores e Agricultoras Familiares

Brazil, CONTRAF – Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras na Agricultura Familiar

Brazil, CPP – Conselho Pastoral dos Pescadores

Brazil, CPT – Comissão Pastoral da Terra

Brazil, CUT – Central única dos Trabalhadores

Brazil, ECO4.Santarritense

Brazil, Ecossocialistas do Brasil

Brazil, Engajamundo

Brazil, FAOR – Fórum da Amazônia Oriental

Brazil, FASE - Solidariedade e Educação

Brazil, FMAP – Fórum de Mulheres da Amazônia Paraense

Brazil, FNPE – Fórum Nacional Popular de Educação

Brazil, FNU – Federação Nacional dos Urbanitários

Brazil, Fórum Popular da Natureza

Brazil, Frente Parlamentar Ambientalista

Brazil, Frente Parlamentar Mista em Defesa dos Direitos dos Povos Indígenas

Brazil, Fridays for Future Brasil

Brazil, Fundação Avina

Brazil, FVA – Fundação Vitória Amazônica

Brazil, Gambá - Grupo Ambientalista da Bahia

Brazil, GRAIN

Brazil, Greenpeace Brasil

Brazil, IDESAM - Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia

Brazil, IEA – Instituto de Estudos Amazônicos

Brazil, Imaflora

Brazil, INESC - Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos - INESC

Brazil, Instituo 5 Elementos - Educação para Sustentabilidade

Brazil, Instituto Climainfo

Brazil, Instituto de Pesquisa e Formação Indígena - Iepé

Brazil, Instituto PACS

Brazil, IQ/UFPA – Projeto Saúde, Cidadania e Direitos Humanos

Brazil, ISA – Instituto Socioambiental

Brazil, ISPN – Instituto Sociedade, População e Natureza

Brazil, MAB – Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens

Brazil, Marcha Mundial das Mulheres

Brazil, Marcha Mundial por Justiça Climática/Marcha Mundial do Clima

Brazil, Mater Natura - Instituto de Estudos Ambientais

Brazil, MCP – Movimento Camponês Popular

Brazil, MNCCD – Movimento Nacional Contra Corrupção e pela Democracia

Brazil, Movimento Nacional ODS/Sergipe

Brazil, Movimento Saúde Mental

Brazil, MPA – Movimentos dos Pequenos Agricultores

Brazil, MST – Movimentos dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra

Brazil, Observatório de Direitos Humanos dos Povos Indígenas Isolados e de Recente Contato - Opi

Brazil, OC – Observatório do Clima

Brazil, ONDAS – Observatório Nacional dos Direitos à Água e ao Saneamento

Brazil, Projeto Saúde e Alegria

Brazil, Província dos Missionários Combonianos do Brasil

Brazil, RCA – Rede de Cooperação Amazônica

Brazil, Rede Igrejas e Mineração

Brazil, Semana Social Brasileira

Brazil, SERRSMG – Sindicato dos Empregados Rurais da Região Sul de Minas Gerais 

Brazil, Sinfrajupe – Serviço Interfranciscano de Justiça, Paz e Ecologia

Venezuela, Geografia Viva

Sub SaharanAfrica

Pan Africa Today

Ghana, SFG – Socialist Forum of Ghana 

Kenya, Revolution Socialist League

Kenya, World March of Women 

South Africa, ABM – AbahlaliBasemjondolo

South Africa, NUMSA – National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa

South Africa, SRWP – Socialist Revolutionary Workers’ Party


Zambia, SP – Socialist Party Zambia


Bharain, Bahrain Women Association

Egypt, Socialist Popular Alliance Party

Iraq, General Students Union in the Republic of Iraq

Iraq, Iraqi Democratic Youth Federation 

Iraq, Iraqi Women Forum 

Iraq, Iraqi Womens League

Jordan, Arab Women Organization of Jordan

Jordan, Jordanian Communist Party

Jordan, Jordanian Democratic Popular Unity Party “Wihda”

Jordan, Jordanian Peoples’ Democratic Party

Jordan, Jordanian Women Federation “RMA”

Jordan, League of Democratic Youth

Lebanon, Equality of Boutros Rose for Women’s Work

Mauritania, We Can

Morocco, Democratic Way

Morocco, Moroccan Association for Human Rights

Morocco, Moroccan Association of Progressive Women

Morocco, Moroccan League for the Defense of Human Rights

Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Palestine, PalestinianDemocraticWomen "NADA"

Palestine, Palestinian Democratic Youth Union "PDYU" 

Palestine, PalestinianPeoplesParty

Palestine, Palestinian People's Party Youth

Palestine, Palestinian Working Women Committees Union

Palestine, UAWC – Union of Agricultural Work Committees

Palestine, UPWC – Union of Palestinain Women Committes

Syria, Syrian Women League

Western Sahara, CODESA

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