Horror in Gaza: No One Is Safe

RAFAH (-), 17/04/2024.- Algunos niños caminan por los escombros tras un ataque israelí en Rafah (Gaza). Siete miembros de la familia Abu Qamar, padre, madre, hijos y abuelo, que habían sobrevivido a un ataque israelí el pasado 11 de febrero que destruyó la mezquita Al Hudda, junto a su vivienda, murieron anoche después de que un misil israelí hiciera estallar la casa en pedazos. EFE/ Str

April 17, 2024 Hour: 9:26 pm

Six months after the genocide, Israel was continuing its violence against the Palestinian civilian population, particularly the Gaza Strip, which was at the center of the hurricane of death unleashed by Tel Aviv.


Gaza Strip: Israel Leaves Damage to Civilian Infrastructure

International organizations such as the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), denounced the impediments imposed by the Zionist regime, for the delivery of aid to refugee camps. The OCHA representative in Palestine, Andrea de Domenico, said, referring to the situation, “every day is a struggle for survival for the people of Gaza, where nowhere is safe”.

On the other hand, the latest UN Gender Alert reported the deaths of 10,000 Palestinian women in Gaza during the 194 days of aggression, including some 6,000 mothers. Added to this, “More than a million Palestinian women and girls in Gaza have almost no access to food or clean water as diseases spread”, the UN reported.

In the words of OCHA High Commissioner Volker Türk, more than 1.7 million Palestinians are in a situation of forced displacement, due to the advance of Zionist offensives in city neighborhoods, such as Rafah.

Türk also expressed concern about the situation in the West Bank following the recent wave of violence against it by Israeli settlers. The Zionists in West Bank wreak havoc on civilian populations, backed by the occupation forces.

Echoing these concerns, the World Health Organization (WHO) again called for a ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip to help rebuild hospitals, including Al Shifa, which was “basically destroyed” by a recent Israeli incursion.

Only a third of the 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip are still functioning, which means that it is essential to “preserve what remains” of the Gaza health system, the WHO spokesman said, Tarik Jasarevic, after a new UN health agency mission to the devastated medical center in Gaza City on Monday.

Finally, the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported a total of 5 massacres in Gazati territory, the aggressions left 46 dead and 110 injured. Palestine is covered with the blood of the fallen which, today already amounted to 33843 dead.



Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: sana-unocha.org-aa