Haiti: Goverment Apponints New Secretary of Public Security

Former Director General of the Haitian National Police (2005 to 2012), Mario Andrésol, Photo: HaitiLibre
January 15, 2025 Hour: 3:28 pm
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at the Official Residence, during an installation ceremony chaired by the Minister of Justice, Me Patrick Pélissier, in the presence of Leslie Voltaire, President pro tempore of the Transitional Council, Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé and several senior State officials, the former Director General of the Haitian National Police (2005 to 2012), Mario Andrésol, was installed as Secretary of State for Public Security.
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In his speech, Minister Pélissier recalled the crucial importance of this appointment in the context of ongoing efforts to strengthen the rule of law and guarantee the security of citizens. He praised the commitment of Mario Andrésol, known for his experience and determination.
President Voltaire emphasized the need to unite the vital forces of the Nation.
For Prime Minister Fils-Aimé, “this appointment illustrates the Government’s desire to address the security challenges of the Nation. […] Public security is and will remain the foundation on which we will build a stable, prosperous and united Haiti.” Further, he urged the Secretary of State to act diligently and efficiently, by mobilizing all necessary resources.
Mario Andrésol, expressed with humility and determination his vision to address the country’s security challenges. “If I have agreed to return to the service of the State and the population in a context as difficult as it is troubled, it is not because I believe that I can work miracles, nor that I am the bearer of any messianic destiny, but it is only because I have great hope that my experience in the strategic and operational field, combined with the professional skills of specially selected collaborators, will be able to make a significant contribution to this great project of rebuilding the security governance of the country.”
Autor: OSG
Fuente: HaitiLibre-The Independent