Haiti: Another University Invaded and Looted

March 15, 2024 Hour: 6:31 pm
The rector’s office of the State University of Haiti today denounced that a criminal gang invaded and looted the Faculty of Science, where they stole a significant amount of vital teaching material.
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“We condemn these acts of vandalism and looting against an educational institution, more than a hundred years old in the country and at the service of the population,” said a statement from the university.
The bandits smashed windows, televisions, solar panels and loaded equipment from several laboratories intended for teaching and research.
“The Rectorate considers it important to remember that, regardless of the constant crises that the Haitian nation is going through, we must always think of its future. Whatever the context, it is inconceivable to proceed with the destruction of the country’s institutions and physical heritage,” the note states.
La Faculté des sciences de l’Université d’État d’Haïti a été vandalisée dans la soirée du 9 au 10 mars. Le rectorat de l’UEH dénonce et condamne « ces actes de vandalisme et de pillage contre une institution d’enseignement plus que centenaire, au service de la population ».
— Le Nouvelliste (@nouvelliste)
March 15, 2024
The tweet reads, “The Faculty of Sciences of the Université d’État d’Haïti was vandalized on the evening of March 9-10. The UEH rectorate denounces and condemns “these acts of vandalism and looting against an educational institution that is more than a century old, at the service of the population.”
On the contrary, the text continues, they must be safeguarded in order to guarantee the continuity of services to Haitian compatriots.
Earlier, the rectorate condemned an attack against one of its faculties by an armed group operating in Port-au-Prince.
The board explained that the violent act was perpetrated against the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Science, where a student was wounded by a gunshot.
The rector’s office denounced that the thieves took valuable objects such as solar panels, computers, mattresses and other important equipment.
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Autor: teleSUR/ OSG
Fuente: The Independent