Ethiopia: UNICEF for Critical Funding To Meet Humanitarian Needs

January 12, 2024 Hour: 9:55 pm
On Friday, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said that funding shortfall is hampering its humanitarian response in Ethiopia as the country encounters mounting humanitarian needs.
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UNICEF, in its latest Ethiopia humanitarian situation report released Wednesday, said its 674.3 million U.S. dollars Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) 2023 Appeal for Ethiopia remains 71 percent unfunded.
It said the funding shortfall is hampering its response in Ethiopia as humanitarian needs persist among vulnerable populations across the East African country, particularly children, women and those in hard-to-reach locations.
“UNICEF continues to appeal for critical funding to meet the humanitarian needs of children, adolescents, women, and men in Ethiopia,” it stressed.
Latest situation report ��
�� Around 4M #drought affected people need urgent food assistance
�� Malaria, Measles & cholera remain public health concerns
�� Funding needed to scale up response in January; money received from March-April will be too late— UN OCHA Ethiopia (@OCHA_Ethiopia)
January 12, 2024
Out of a total appeal of 674.3 million dollars, including 255.7 million dollars for the Northern Ethiopia response and 345.4 million dollars for the drought response, only 29 percent of the total funding requirement is available to date, UNICEF said. “To ensure that children and their caregivers receive lifesaving support in 2024 and beyond, UNICEF appeals to all donor partners to help close the remaining gaps.”
UNICEF warned that ongoing conflict, drought, flood, and other humanitarian calamities that are occurring in different regions of the East African country are impacting the lives of people, especially women and children.
The drought in northern Ethiopia, exacerbated by climate change-induced El Niño situation, conflict, socioeconomic deterioration, and failed harvest, continues to have a severe impact on the nutritional situation of mothers and children in Afar, Amhara and Tigray.
An ongoing cholera outbreak is further exacerbating the humanitarian situation, affecting 65 districts across the country, with more than 30,000 cases and 449 deaths reported so far, according to UNICEF.
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Autor: teleSUR/ OSG
Fuente: Al Jazeera