Ecuador’s President Declares the Country’s Energy Situation Chaotic

Police Working amid the Outage and Blackouts, Sept 2024 Photo: EFE
September 23, 2024 Hour: 8:53 pm
On Sunday, the Ministry of Energy and Mines reported through a statement that «it is necessary to redistribute the suspension of electricity service that was planned for the next few days».
Ecuador Begins Daily Blackouts
The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, assured in the context of a business exchange with the United States that the South American country is experiencing «chaos» due to the intense droughts that hit the territory, the worst in six decades.
“Today we are experiencing the worst drought in 61 years. It is chaos and it is much worse than expected», said the president, also alluding to the increase in blackouts in the country.
Noboa, to face the dissimilar criticism of his presidential management, pointed out that his administration made a planning, directed towards “low-flow or draining water sources that allow electricity generation”, however the analysis was carried out taking into account the last 100 years.
According to the president, they are “those who have added more generation, 430 megawatts in just nine months. And follow(ran) adding up, the goal is to reach 2,000 megawatts in the next two or three years, that’s what is needed».
On this point, he referred to the presidency of Rafael Correa, which has been the most energy generation contributed, noting that the annual average in that season was 320 MW.
Autor: CC
Fuente: EFE