DR: Aid Delivered to Families Affected by Heavy Rains

May 10, 2024 Hour: 5:26 pm
Dominican government is distributing on Friday to families affected by the heavy rains this week in several provinces of the country.
The Administrative Minister of the Presidency, Igor Rodríguez Durán, visited the provinces of Duarte, La Vega, Montecristi, Montecristi, Santiago Rodríguez and Puerto Plata, declared on red alert by the Emergency Operations Centre (COE).
Durán noted the floods that left the communities of Los Contreras and Los Peinados in Bajo Yuna, Duarte province (northeast) cut off, while in La Vega (almost in the center of the country) damage was reported in the sectors of Barrio Lindo, Carmelita, María Auxiliadora, Pontón, among others.
As a first action by the government, families are receiving cooked food from the Economic Canteens and the Social Assistance Plan of the Presidency, as well as combos from the Price Stabilization Institute.
El COE mantiene 01 provincia en alerta roja, a 09 en amarilla y a 12 y al Distrito Nacional en verde, debido a que una vaguada continúa provocando un ambiente húmedo e inestable, generando fuertes lluvias, tronadas y ráfagas de viento. pic.twitter.com/AOxw2zsVXR
May 10, 2024
El COE mantiene 01 provincia en alerta roja, a 09 en amarilla y a 12 y al Distrito Nacional en verde, debido a que una vaguada continúa provocando un ambiente húmedo e inestable, generando fuertes lluvias, tronadas y ráfagas de viento. pic.twitter.com/AOxw2zsVXR
May 10, 2024
The text reads,
The COE maintains 01 province on red alert, 09 on yellow and 12 and the National District on green, because a trough continues to cause a humid and unstable environment, generating heavy rains, thunderstorms and gusts of wind.
The Presidency website said that these deliveries are carried out under the coordination of the provincial governors, community leaders, religious leaders and members of the Civil Defense, who know in detail the reality in the communities.
During the tour, Durán explained that the government has coordinated a comprehensive plan for the immediate recovery of the affected areas.
To this end, he said, the National Institute of Drinking Water and Sewerage (Inapa), the Santo Domingo Aqueduct and Sewerage Corporation (Caasd), and the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi), are working to re-establish drinking water services.
He also highlighted the work of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications, which is working on the recovery of roads damaged by landslides, while the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance is implementing programs to counteract possible outbreaks of flooding.
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Autor: teleSUR/ OSG
Fuente: The Independent-DW