International Safe Abortion Day


In Mexico City, the call was answered by feminist and workers organizations (and everything in between).Reuters
A sculpture in Mexico City wears the green scarf, symbol of the pro-choice movement.Reuters
Abortion is decriminalized only in Mexico City, elsewhere in the country women turn to unsafe abortions.Reuters
An employee cleans grafitti reading "legal abortion" off a wall during the protest in Mexico CityReuters
The history of the green scarf as a symbol of abortion rights is 15 years old and had its origins in Argentina.EFE
The Argentine senate rejected the safe abortion bill in early August, but the feminist movement won't stop demanding their rights.EFE
"Not everyone is here, we're still missing those who died in clandestine abortions," the sign reads. Buenos Aires, Argentina.EFE
In Quito, Ecuador, thousands of women gathered in front of the prosecutor's office to demand full decriminalization of abortion.Twitter @wambraEc
The march was full of joy but also rage, as there's still a long way to go.Twitter @Vivas_Ec