A Third of Murders Worldwide Are Committed in Latin America

CAF Comission accompained by the Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa Jun, 3, 2024 Photo: X/ @AgendaCAF
June 4, 2024 Hour: 12:55 am
On Monday, the executive president of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean-CAF, Sergio Díaz Granados, during his visit to Ecuador, warned of the growing number of homicides in the entire Latin America and the Caribbean region.
According to Diaz Granados, a third of the murders committed annually are concentrated in South America.
“Without security development is not possible,” he said, noting that “promoting security is an ethical imperative, it is a citizen mandate, and for the most pragmatic, even, it is the basis for economic growth”.
“Our area, with 19 million square kilometers, almost 15% of the world’s territory, is concentrated in 400,000 hectares of all coca production worldwide,” he said.
A delegation from @AgendaCAF , led by our executive president @sergiodigra
, is on an official visit to Quito, where they met with the president of Ecuador, @DanielNoboaOk
. In addition, both participate in the meeting Security against organized crime groups, which we promote in the capital of this #PaísCAF .
He added that “the homicide rate in the region is almost 10 times higher than in other emerging economies and almost double that of sub-Saharan Africa,” and 43 of the 50 most insecure cities are in the region.
“Today we are a scene of transnational criminal enterprise, and that criminal activity, coupled with corruption, undermines the democratic structure in our countries, limits the exercise of freedoms and affects the state presence in large rural areas,” said Diaz Granados.
In addition, it ensured the presence of all types of criminal markets: “arms trafficking, human trafficking and trafficking, drug trafficking, financial crime, transnational criminal gangs for money laundering, counterfeit products, extortion, especially illegal mining”.
“We have more than 30 million young people in Latin America who neither study nor work, and young people are precisely the target audience and most perverse for criminal networks,” he warned.
“The cruelty of that hopelessness is forging the basis on which much criminal organization is growing in Latin America and the Caribbean,” he warned.
Autor: CC
Fuente: EFE